Friday, January 29, 2016

Whole Brain Teaching

I have recently discovered whole brain teaching and I am very anxious to try it. I am posting some websites just for my own personal reference down below to help me de-clutter my brain a bit.

A Blog All About Whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teachers of America

5 Rules for Whole Brain Teaching Listed Below

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Success Story!

This entire year I have been struggling with a class I have twice a day. They are a class where almost every student has an I.E.P. or some other form of help. For some reason their behavior with me has been atrocious and I have started to dread having them. Worst of all, I have them twice a day, once for 5th period, and once 10th period (the last class of the day).  My theory for their poor behavior is that I was too nice at the beginning of the school year. I didn't know the balance of structure/ discipline and fun/easy going. I think many first year teachers have experienced this struggle.
Any ways, today we had a wonderful class period filled with learning! Students participated, raised their hands, and were engaged in the lesson!

What I did differently:

1. I had students come up with their own rules for the classroom to address the various needs of our class.  The issues I have been having with this class are: talking out of turn, being late for class, being disrespectful.   The rules the students came up with and voted on are the following;

  • If a student talks out of turn, they must stand in the corner for 5 minutes.
  •  If a student is late for class two times in one week they will be written up. 
  • If a student is late for class three times in one week they will be given a lunch detention and homework. 
  • If a student is late 5 times in one week they will be given an after school detention.
  • If a student is disrespectful 3 times in one week, they will be given a write up.
2. Before class we discussed the rules, this seemed to help deter bad behavior because they were aware of the consequences. I am going to remind them of the rules every day for as long as it is necessary.

3. I started our math intervention class out with silent work time. This way students start the class on a quiet and calm note.

4. During the lesson, I passed out points to those who participated. Some students received several points for answering questions and following along. 

Today was by far the best day I have had with this class! I am so excited!

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the b...