Friday, November 6, 2015

Lost Pencils

I started out the year with about 50 pencils. I placed 5 or so pencils in each tables basket so no one would ever be in need of a pencil. Now we are in the second 9 weeks and there are no pencils to be seen. They have vanished! I have seen several students throw them away at the end of the day- what a waste! So in order to fix the issue of no one having any pencils including myself, I have made a pencil library. Students can check out pencils, but they must return it before they leave my class. How will I know if they have returned it? I will be able to see the missing pencils!

As you can see below, I have placed each pencil in its own designated spot. Each box has a number that goes along with its' pencil. If a student wants to use one of those pencils, they must write their name in the pencils' box, then they may erase their name when they return it.

I have done something similar when students borrow my highlighters and I still have the majority of the same highlighters I started the year out with.

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