Monday, September 11, 2017

Changes to a Self Sufficient Morning

I have recently implemented a few changes in classroom, mainly making it self sufficient. I have also begun using bell ringers in the morning, these are places in a certain location every morning, it is up to the student to get it in the morning when they get to school and follow the directions. These bell ringers are completely done by the students, this gives me a chance to get other things done in the morning. Students work on their bell ringer every day, then I ask that they get on the laptop to do either Newsela or Typing Club. Newsela is nonfictional texts that students can read at their reading level, then take a quiz on it. Typing Club is a website that teaches students how to type. Since we do alot of stuff on the laptops and we have no computer class I thought this would be a great way to get some technology into the classroom that allows us to use our time more efficiently by typing faster. Typing Club allows you to set up your class on their website and monitor students progress. The kids love it!

Some other changes I have implemented for a self sufficient classroom is through the use of jobs! I have added a few new jobs today to help me out in the morning. They are Reading Log checker, Bell Ringer Checker, and Sweeper. This is the first year I have asked students to read at home and have some sort of organization to it. We created reading logs that must be signed every night, the Reading Log Checker goes around in the morning to see if their reading log has been properly filled out with parent signature. Then I will check the weeks reading log Friday and enter it into the grade book. The second job I created this week, Bell Ringer Checker, goes around and checks the bell ringers and initials my name on it. I will then check these on Friday as well to be added to the grade book. I modeled both jobs the first two weeks of school so students knew what I expected. The last job is sweeper, I just got a new little vacuum that is adorable! I am having one student vacuum the class at the end of the day after everyone has picked up. We discussed how to properly take care of it and put it away.

I am feeling so much better about this year!

Helpful Resounces


great website that has a ton of resources for middle school reading

website I am using for a very low student

The social studies website I have been using for 6th grade. It is all online but can be printed.

curriculum for 5th and 6th grade ELA. FREE!!!

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the b...