Monday, January 7, 2019

Teacher Evaluation

Teachers are evaluated often in my school. Here is a wonderful evaluation I received that I am very proud of.

Winter Time!!!

Teachers were asked to decorate their door for the Christmas season. Here is my door!

Math Activity: Tiny House

I found this really great resource, that was completely FREE! Students designed and created their own tiny houses, in the process, found the area and perimeter of their Tiny House as well as all the objects inside. This was a fantastic project, and the kids loved it!

Math Activity: Finding Perimeter

In my math class, I like to do as many projects as possible. One of the projects I did this year was a scoot activity. Students were paired up and went around the room finding the perimeter of various objects I had set out. Each object was labeled with a number. Students worked with their partners to find the perimeter, using a ruler, for each object.

Classroom Management

My teacher team created a point system where students earn points throughout the day that equal to a Grizzly Buck. Grizzly Bucks can be spent once a quarter. Students can also receive negative points, resulting in detention if they receive 5 or more. Now that we are at the end of the second quarter, and students know the expectations and rules, the number of negative checks have decreased to 4.

In my classroom, students can earn the VIP seat, where the student with the most points at the end of the day can earn the seat. They get to use special supplies and sit separately from everyone else. They also have their name written on the VIP board for every class to see. The students seem to really enjoy it. Asking at the end of the day, who has earned it for the next school day.

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the b...