Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the beginning of the Ancient Egypt unit that they needed to be working on all throughout the unit. The goal was for students to pretend to be a museum curator. Their job was to find a way to encourage people to visit their museum. Their final product was a commercial that a real museum curator from the Ross County Historical Society judged. The winners are below! 

Book Tasting

 Covid did not stop us from having a fun time while learning! Here the students are enjoying the nice ambiance of Bishop F's Bistro. They enjoyed a four course menu of 4 different books to "taste". This book tasting helped students decide on their final class novel. This time around I decided to do book clubs instead of having the class read the same novel. Students chose their novel and were placed in their book club based on their choice. They then met every Friday to discuss the book.

Socially Distanced Hammurabi's Court

 Another socially distanced activity was the Hammurabi's Court activity.  After learning about Hammurabi's Code, students were assigned court case scenarios that would have happened during Ancient Mesopotamia. They then had to help the judges (me and the aid in my classroom) make a decision including punishment if necessary. Here we are with the judges in their judge robes. So much fun!

Socially Distanced Skit

 During the second school year of Covid, we were able to be face to face from the start of school. Unfortunately that meant we had to be socially distanced the entire time. I wanted to get the kids involved as much as possible in their learning so here is one of our socially distanced activities! A skit the students wrote for their religion class! 


 The first year I taught at Flaget, I taught Prek. I had a blast and the kids did too. Here are some of the fun things we did! Unfortunately this year was the beginning of the shutdown. We had to do virtual learning for the rest of the year and have our Prek graduation ceremony through Zoom. We made the best of it though!

The rules we made together.

Stem! They had to build their tree and see how many "apples" could fit on it.

We wanted to see if blubber really helps keep cold animals warm!

Building a shelter for our arctic animals.

Building a bridge over water.

Field trip to the Jones Farm pumpkin patch!

Trying to build the tallest tower!

Trying to build the tallest tower again! We loved working together!

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the b...