Friday, May 20, 2016

Medieval Feast

Today is our medieval feast! The kids helped decorate the classroom with hanging "tapestries" (table clothes) and a tower next to our door. The students are bringing historically accurate food for the feast, from ham and cheese, to sparkling grape juice and fruit. Earlier this week we learned about table manners of medieval Europe, what medieval Europeans ate as well as how they dressed. Some of the resources I used are posted below. The kids chose a king and queen as well as other, lesser roles, such as lords, ladies, princesses, and princes, we even have a few serfs. The students chose their roles. The roles they have chosen will determine where they sit at our feast, with the king and queen sitting directly in the middle. During the feast we will be using silver plates, cups and spoons (no forks!). We will also enjoy some medieval music by The Kings Singers who made music for the enjoyment of King Henry VIII.

Medieval Feasting: Hands on History

The Kings Singers

An Evening With the Tudors. A How-To

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