Monday, June 22, 2015

Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching is based on the importance of having a democratic classroom. I think it is very important for the students to have a say in what and/or how they learn. Of course I must stick to the curriculum, but if there is a way to incorporate choices in the classroom, I will do so. I think democracy in the classroom encourages students to be stakeholders in their education. It also makes the students feel like their voices are being heard and that their thoughts are important. Democratic education also helps students grow into adults who positively contribute to our society.

When students have choices in their education, I believe it encourages them to invest in and care about their education. Students can feel a sense of ownership within the classroom and take pride in their work and school community. I believe it is very important for students to be invested in their own education because if they care about their schooling then they are more likely to work harder and do better.

When students have choices in their education, they realize that their voices are being heard and that their thoughts and feelings are important. This also makes them more willing to participate in class discussions and assignments. When students have a voice, they tend to enjoy the learning process much more because they are learning about something that they genuinely care about, all the while knowing that I, as the teacher, care about them. This creates a classroom full of respect, trust, love and equality.

Having a democratic classroom also helps students grow into adults who contribute positively to society. It prepares them for a life in a democracy. They have learned, through school, that their voices matter, and that they have the power to make changes in their community.

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