Friday, November 6, 2015

Exit Slips

I am realizing that I need to focus more on my students that don't like to speak in front of the class. Because they are not participating I am not sure if they are understanding the lesson, if they have questions, if they are actively engaged in our discussions or if they are in their own little worlds. In order to combat this I have decided to try several different strategies and see which one the kids like best.

I would first like to try having a class Twitter feed where students must post a summary of the days lesson. If the students don't have Twitter or a smart phone I will have them write a summary on a piece of paper I provide them. My classroom Twitter is here: Mrs. Spaeth's Class Twitter

Other suggestions I have seen have been to use the website Edmodo, and the phone apps VineMixbit, and Instagram.

It is like a classroom Facebook, you can make groups, post things on the classroom wall, you can add links to the library. It seems really cool! Maybe we will try it!

Vine is an app that allows the user to take a 6 second video, so it would be up to the students creativity to show the most important aspects of that days lesson in a 6 second Vine. I am curious as to what students would come up with. I am sure they would love doing that. The only problem I can think of is the fact that we don't have much time, we only have 40 minute classes, that could pose a problem.

I think Mixbit is a lot like Vine, where you have a limited amount of time to make a video, this would be another fun and creative way for students to show me their understanding.

Instagram is basically a photo gallery, so to use this as an exit slip, students would need to post a photo (or several) to show the key points about the days lesson. This again, would be a fun way for students to show what they know in a creative and unique way.

I am curious about using all of these. We may need to experiment a bit and see which we like best and what works best for the kids.

Here are some writing prompts for a paper exit slip:
  1. Write down two things you learned today.
  2. Pretend your friend was absent from class today and s/he asks you to explain the lesson. What would you tell him/her?
  3. Write down one question you have about today’s lesson.
  4. Write down one thing I can do to help you.
  5. What concept has been most difficult/confusing this chapter?
  6. What do you need to do to prepare for the upcoming test?
  7. What would you like me to review tomorrow?
  8. What is the most important thing we learned today?
  9. How did today’s quiz go? What can you do to improve next time?
  10. If you were writing a quiz over today’s material, what are 2 questions that you would put on it?

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
Learning Objective Exit Slip

Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
 reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
Learning Objective Exit Slip

Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                     
Learning Objective Exit Slip
Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
 Learning Objective Exit Slip
Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
 reteach me.

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