Friday, November 6, 2015

Parent Teacher Conferences

I have recently experienced my first parent teacher conferences. I believe they went really well! My parents were very interested in helping their child out with bringing up their grades. I was honestly a little afraid that they would be upset with me because of their child's grades, but none were.  What a relief! I believe a great deal of my success was due to the fact that I tried to prepare myself as well as I could. I found some nice hand outs for the parents that I could fill out and give to the parents for them to take home. My favorite was the Student Self- Evaluation form. It was a great way for me to see whether or not the students were aware of what their strengths and weaknesses are. 

Student Self-Evaluation
Student Answers                                               Teacher Answers
I listen and participate in class.                          Listens and participates in class
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                        -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                             - Needs to improve

I turn in my best work.                                      Turns in best work
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                       -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                            - Needs to improve 

I follow the classroom rules.                             Follows the classroom rules
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                       -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                            - Needs to improve

I am proud of myself for:                                  I am proud of you for:
___________________                                    ___________________
___________________                                   ____________________
____________________                                  __________________

I need to work on:                                            I would like for you to work on:
__________________                                      ____________________
__________________                                      _____________________
___________________                                   ______________________

Parent Goals for this Student:

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