Friday, April 22, 2016

End of the Year


As the year is winding down, I have decided to do less tests and more projects. The 6th grade has already taken their end of the year test so we will be going more in depth in subjects they struggled with. One of those subjects is economics. I have found some really great resources to do some in depth projects to better understand the topic. This is an entire unit on economics, where they will choose their occupation, home, and vehicle. These choices will help students understand the benefits and consequences of our financial choices.  The link takes you to TPT page, where it is $8.00.
STEM Economy Simulation Unit
I also found some fun easy activity pages for students to do during down time. This link is also from TPT and it is $3.00.
Economics Activity Combo Pack

In 7th grade we are currently learning about Ancient China. I found a great resources that has everything you would need for a project on Ancient China. It includes the steps needed to be taken in order to be successful, key words that would help with research, as well as websites students could use to find the research.  This resources is FREE!
Ancient China Project
Another great resource from TPT, is an interactive notebook for Ancient China. Unfortunately its $4.50, but it has a lot of great interactive activities for the students to learn more in depth about the subject.
Ancient China Interactive Notebook

Students loved the STEM Economy Simulation Unit! They said it was their favorite project of the year. Here are some pictures.

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