Monday, April 25, 2016

Types of Government Project

Before we start the economics project, I have decided to take a week and focus on types of government. I have placed the students into groups and have allowed them to choose their government type (if there was a dispute they paper, rock, scissored for it). I gave them a rubric and an overview on the first day, then they got to work brain storming. The projects they are coming up with are fantastic! One group is going to do a mock election for democracy. Another group is going to dress as a queen and princess to present monarchy.

Types of Government Project

Name______________________________________     Date_____

Members of Group_________________________________________________________________________

Type of Government _________________________

You will be placed in a group of 6 students to work on a project to further our understanding on different types of government. We have learned about four types; monarchy, dictatorship, democracy and theocracy. Each student in the group must participate in the project or their grade will be harmed. The rubric below states everything needed to get full credit. Everyday you will explain to me what your group worked on in order for me to give you participation points for that day. You must be sure to complete the daily progress sheet and turn it into the tray to get the credit.

**** Bonus**** 3 extra points for dressing up
_____  /5 Include name of government.

_____  /5 Who rules in your type of government?

_____ /5  How do they get their authority?

____   /5  What are the limits on governmental authority and the rights of citizens?

____  /5   Give an example of your type of government.
____  /25 Points
** Bonus 3 points if you dress up**

Because this is a group project, and has a lot of independent work, I figured it would be a good idea to find a way to keep track of their progress each day. I decided to use a daily progress sheet for the students to fill out before the end of the class, this way I can see who is working and who isn't as well as what they have done and what they need to do.


Name_______________________     Date__________

What did you do today?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What did your group members do today?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you still need to do?

I am so excited to see the end product!!!

Some of the students work.

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