Monday, November 16, 2015

Ancient Egypt

This week we are finishing up our "World Religion's" project and are about to move on the Ancient Egypt! I am so excited! This was my favorite thing to learn when I was in junior high and I am so excited to be teaching it!

We will start with the same old thing, read through the chapter, discuss, go over vocabulary words. But once we are done with all the boring stuff, I would love to do several projects on the topic. I have found a few projects that I would like to do, their links are listed below.

pyramid project

Awesome website on all things Ancient Egypt

mummification game

Discovery Kids mummy Game

Monday, November 9, 2015

Spreading the Faith: Spreading World Religions on the Silk Road

During the past couple of weeks we have been learning about world religions. I decided a project would be a nice way to learn about all the information and it would be a nice change from the mundane, every day lessons we do.  For two days I made a webquest for the students to do their research. For another two days we checked out the Chrome Books and each group researched their religion. I split the students desks up into 5 groups, who ever they sat with was the group they would be working on this project with. They were given the handout below as a rubric for this project. Once the research was done we spent a day working on the rough drafts. Once the rough drafts were completed, they started on their final drafts, which they would use to present their religion to the class. Thursday and Friday will be spent presenting the religions.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Lost Pencils

I started out the year with about 50 pencils. I placed 5 or so pencils in each tables basket so no one would ever be in need of a pencil. Now we are in the second 9 weeks and there are no pencils to be seen. They have vanished! I have seen several students throw them away at the end of the day- what a waste! So in order to fix the issue of no one having any pencils including myself, I have made a pencil library. Students can check out pencils, but they must return it before they leave my class. How will I know if they have returned it? I will be able to see the missing pencils!

As you can see below, I have placed each pencil in its own designated spot. Each box has a number that goes along with its' pencil. If a student wants to use one of those pencils, they must write their name in the pencils' box, then they may erase their name when they return it.

I have done something similar when students borrow my highlighters and I still have the majority of the same highlighters I started the year out with.

Exit Slips

I am realizing that I need to focus more on my students that don't like to speak in front of the class. Because they are not participating I am not sure if they are understanding the lesson, if they have questions, if they are actively engaged in our discussions or if they are in their own little worlds. In order to combat this I have decided to try several different strategies and see which one the kids like best.

I would first like to try having a class Twitter feed where students must post a summary of the days lesson. If the students don't have Twitter or a smart phone I will have them write a summary on a piece of paper I provide them. My classroom Twitter is here: Mrs. Spaeth's Class Twitter

Other suggestions I have seen have been to use the website Edmodo, and the phone apps VineMixbit, and Instagram.

It is like a classroom Facebook, you can make groups, post things on the classroom wall, you can add links to the library. It seems really cool! Maybe we will try it!

Vine is an app that allows the user to take a 6 second video, so it would be up to the students creativity to show the most important aspects of that days lesson in a 6 second Vine. I am curious as to what students would come up with. I am sure they would love doing that. The only problem I can think of is the fact that we don't have much time, we only have 40 minute classes, that could pose a problem.

I think Mixbit is a lot like Vine, where you have a limited amount of time to make a video, this would be another fun and creative way for students to show me their understanding.

Instagram is basically a photo gallery, so to use this as an exit slip, students would need to post a photo (or several) to show the key points about the days lesson. This again, would be a fun way for students to show what they know in a creative and unique way.

I am curious about using all of these. We may need to experiment a bit and see which we like best and what works best for the kids.

Here are some writing prompts for a paper exit slip:
  1. Write down two things you learned today.
  2. Pretend your friend was absent from class today and s/he asks you to explain the lesson. What would you tell him/her?
  3. Write down one question you have about today’s lesson.
  4. Write down one thing I can do to help you.
  5. What concept has been most difficult/confusing this chapter?
  6. What do you need to do to prepare for the upcoming test?
  7. What would you like me to review tomorrow?
  8. What is the most important thing we learned today?
  9. How did today’s quiz go? What can you do to improve next time?
  10. If you were writing a quiz over today’s material, what are 2 questions that you would put on it?

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
Learning Objective Exit Slip

Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
 reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
Learning Objective Exit Slip

Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                     
Learning Objective Exit Slip
Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
reteach me.

Name: ____________________________________                                                    
 Learning Objective Exit Slip
Summarize today’s lesson.

Self- Assessment
I totally understand and can teach my peers.
I almost have it; but I may need a little more practice.
I’m completely lost.  Please
 reteach me.

Parent Teacher Conferences

I have recently experienced my first parent teacher conferences. I believe they went really well! My parents were very interested in helping their child out with bringing up their grades. I was honestly a little afraid that they would be upset with me because of their child's grades, but none were.  What a relief! I believe a great deal of my success was due to the fact that I tried to prepare myself as well as I could. I found some nice hand outs for the parents that I could fill out and give to the parents for them to take home. My favorite was the Student Self- Evaluation form. It was a great way for me to see whether or not the students were aware of what their strengths and weaknesses are. 

Student Self-Evaluation
Student Answers                                               Teacher Answers
I listen and participate in class.                          Listens and participates in class
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                        -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                             - Needs to improve

I turn in my best work.                                      Turns in best work
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                       -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                            - Needs to improve 

I follow the classroom rules.                             Follows the classroom rules
-Always                                                             -Always
-Sometimes                                                       -Sometimes
-I need to improve                                            - Needs to improve

I am proud of myself for:                                  I am proud of you for:
___________________                                    ___________________
___________________                                   ____________________
____________________                                  __________________

I need to work on:                                            I would like for you to work on:
__________________                                      ____________________
__________________                                      _____________________
___________________                                   ______________________

Parent Goals for this Student:

Monday, June 22, 2015

Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching is based on the importance of having a democratic classroom. I think it is very important for the students to have a say in what and/or how they learn. Of course I must stick to the curriculum, but if there is a way to incorporate choices in the classroom, I will do so. I think democracy in the classroom encourages students to be stakeholders in their education. It also makes the students feel like their voices are being heard and that their thoughts are important. Democratic education also helps students grow into adults who positively contribute to our society.

When students have choices in their education, I believe it encourages them to invest in and care about their education. Students can feel a sense of ownership within the classroom and take pride in their work and school community. I believe it is very important for students to be invested in their own education because if they care about their schooling then they are more likely to work harder and do better.

When students have choices in their education, they realize that their voices are being heard and that their thoughts and feelings are important. This also makes them more willing to participate in class discussions and assignments. When students have a voice, they tend to enjoy the learning process much more because they are learning about something that they genuinely care about, all the while knowing that I, as the teacher, care about them. This creates a classroom full of respect, trust, love and equality.

Having a democratic classroom also helps students grow into adults who contribute positively to society. It prepares them for a life in a democracy. They have learned, through school, that their voices matter, and that they have the power to make changes in their community.

Aspects of the Classroom

In my classroom we have many unique aspects of which I would like to bring to a middle school classroom. Some of those aspects include a reading area, quiet area, as well as the set schedule for each day clearly listed and easily understood by each student. Below are some pictures of the various aspects in my current classroom.

The schedule we follow every day. It is easily understood by my pre-k kids! I believe it is very important to keep to a set schedule so students know exactly what to expect and prepare accordingly. Currently my students know exactly how our day goes, how we start the day and what comes next. I find that this helps with classroom management because students transition much better when they know what is expected of them.

The quiet area! I would love to have a quiet area in my middle school classroom. Having a place where students can be alone and not bothered is a nice escape for them. If I am having behavior problems in my class I send my students here where they can look at books, the fish or just cuddle the stuffed animal. It gives students the opportunity to cool off and regroup.
The reading area. I plan on having some kind of reading area in my middle school classroom, or at least comfy chairs and bean bags where students can relax comfortably with a book and read.

Class Activities

I believe projects are very important for students. Lecture is a must, but I would much prefer to do projects when teaching. For my pre-k students we have a plant experiment where we are seeing in what conditions plants grow the best. We have 3 different plant settings, one plant is in soil and in the sun, one is in water and in the sun and the last is in water and in the shade. Through our project we have discovered that plants in soil and in the sun grow the best!

We are also growing plants in our small green house in order to better understand the needs of plants and their life cycle. We have had a lot of fun learning about plants!

These are some pictures from my social studies class this year. during our Ancient Egypt study students wrote their names in hieroglyphics! 

As part of one of geography lessons we took a gallery walk around the classroom to test students ability on determining what kind of map each one was.

At the beginning of our geography study students drew maps of their rooms to better understand aspects of a map (key, compass, symbols).

Classroom Displays

I think it is very important to use the bulletin boards, chalk boards and wall space as a way to present information in an interesting way as well as show student work and art. This way students feel like a stakeholder in their education and they feel like the classroom belongs to them. Below are some bulletin board displays I have as well as student art.

Below is a way to quickly assess the students learning, they simply need to show me which sign corresponds their their understanding.
Below is some art work from our chapter on Ancient Egypt, students were asked to draw their own pharaoh!!

Here is my schedule.

Classroom Management

In my 6th and 7th grade classrooms I use the free website Class Dojo. This site is often used for elementary school kids but my middle school kids seem to really enjoy it. I can give or take points based on their behavior and participation. The students can then cash in points as a reward. The rewards vary, from 5 points for a piece of gum, to 20 points for a homework pass. Students can cash in points when ever they want. Students can also save their points and cash in for a whole class reward. These rewards vary from 80 points for 10 minutes of heads-up, seven-up, to 700 points for a sundae party. I believe it is very important to give students opportunities to make choices in the classroom. It not only allows students to feel a certain responsibility for their actions, but it also teaches them some life long skills, such as setting goals, saving money (points) for something they really want, and working as a team to meet a goal.

In order to carry out the giving and taking away of points, I have printed out smiley faces and sad faces to hand out during class when needed. The smiley face means they get a point, the sad face means they get a point taken away. Using these simple devices allows me to correct a behavior without interrupting class.

If the taking away of points is not effective in changing a behavior, I will be forced to give the student a write up. If the behavior continues to not change, I am forced to send them to the office for the principal to deal with. I hate doing this, but sometimes it is a must. 

In my pre-k classroom we use a behavior chart as well as stickers in order to promote good behavior and cut down on the bad behavior. Every student begins on green (good day) then can move either up or down based on the students choices throughout the day. They can move up to blue (great day), purple (outstanding day) or off the chart (beyond outstanding!). This allows students to set and reach goals as well as encourage and reward good behavior and choices. The students can also move down the chart when bad choices are made. If the student is on green, and they make a bad choice, then he or she will move down to yellow (warning), then orange (time out for 2 minutes), then finally red (time out for 4 minutes and talk to parents).
Using the behavior chart allows students to better understand that both good and bad choices have consequences. 
Here is my behavior chart.
Once students are off the chart, I give them stickers when they make a good choice. They then collect 10 and get in the treasure box. Depending on what color the student is on, sometimes I will allow them to chose whether they would like a sticker or move their clip up. I think it is very important for students to have choices in the classroom in order for them to feel like their opinions matter as well as  it gives them a sense of ownership.
Here's my sticker chart. 

For management of noise level I have recently started using a noise level chart. There are 5 levels; level 1 being the quietest (no talking), level 2, talk to a partner (which they love), level 3 is normal talking voice, level 4, voice is loud enough to hear from across the room, and finally level 5 is using outside voices reserved for the gym, gymnastics room and outside. 

In our pre-k class we also have jobs that students can choose each morning. This gives them something to look forward to as well as makes drop offs much easier for the little guys. Like I said before, I think having choices in the classroom is very important in order for students to take ownership in the classroom. When they can choose their jobs, students feel like they are needed and important in the classroom community. This makes learning easier and makes school more fun! 
Here is our job chart.


Lisa Wayland
Principal of Adena Middle School
(740) 998-2313

Brenda Southworth
Cooperating Teacher for Internship (student teaching)
(740) 773-2638

Karen Corcoran
Regional Coordinator of Professional Internships in Teaching
(740) 774-7200

Tashia Mills
Child Care Director at the Ross County Y.M.C.A.
(740) 772-4340


Hannah Cryder Spaeth              Phone: 740­649­8831
8106 State Route 180                                            
Kingston, Ohio 45644                         Online Portfolio:

Middle Childhood (4­-9) Language Arts and Reading   Social Studies
Working toward a Math and Reading Endorsement

Employment History
Imagine Groveport Community School                                            
4th Grade Math  
4485 S Hamilton Rd, Groveport, Ohio August 2018- Present                                                                                                                
  • Create and implement curriculum
  • Ability to handle 18-20 students in the classroom
  • Innovative lesson planning
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Able to discipline in multiple ways
  • Interactive teaching/learning
  • Analyze student learning and plan and administer a variety of appropriate assessments

A+ Children’s Academy Community School
5th/6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies                            August 2016- May 2018
114 Obetz Road, Columbus, Ohio

Adena Middle School 6th/7th Grade Social Studies                          August 2015- May 2016
3367 County Road 550, Frankfort, Ohio

Ross County YMCA­ Lead Preschool Teacher                                   June 2014­- August 2015
100 Mill Street, Chillicothe, Ohio

Student Teaching
Mount Logan Elementary 4th Grade Language Arts                 January 2014- May 2014
841 E. Main Street, Chillicothe, Ohio                          Brenda Southworth Cooperating Teacher

Education History
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio                                                          September 2009­-May 2013 Ohio University­ Chillicothe, Chillicothe, Ohio                                   September 2013­-May 2014 Middle Childhood Education Language Arts and Social Studies

Ancient Egypt PBL Winners

 In an attempt to make learning fun in the time of Covid, I did my first PBL (Project Based Learning). Students were given a packet at the b...